Saturday, April 7, 2018

Coming Together

   So the film opening is finally coming together. I have been editing with the complete footage and have been able to create a rough cut of the film opening. It still needs some work and time put into it to be able to make it viewable but I feel that it may all be complete within the next few days. I've been arranging scenes in a variety of ways during the editing process to see how the film opening flows and what helps it function. I have also been observing my footage to see where I can insert sound effects or music. I don't want to complete my editing all at once since one can become desensitized to the material after viewing repeatedly for a long time. I instead want to finish most of the editing soon and then be able to revisit in the next couple of days to work on the opening with a fresh perspective.
   As I've been editing, I have also noticed that some things didn't turn out as I expected them to. I have seen that some scenes don't exactly look how I want them to and others seem to look out of place. I've been thinking that I may have to reshoot some scenes before I finalize the film opening. Many films have gone through reshoots such as Rocky and Ratatouille and it has proved to be beneficial for them.

Why Movie Reshoots Aren't Necessarily A Bad Sign. (2016, July 06). Retrieved April 07, 2018, from

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