Sunday, March 4, 2018

Quest for Inspiration

   I've had been looking around for some inspiration since the moment I began this project. Now, I think inspiration is a good thing to have, the problem with me is, I wasn't sure where to get it from since I didn't have a clear image of what I wanted to do. So I took the past day to think about what movies or shows represented an idea of what I had going on in my head for my film opening.
I'm thinking about producing something that is somewhat comedic but at the same time keeps a level of authenticity. Some inspiration that has guided me towards this direction has come from the following:

Master of None
   I think that both of these shows have given me an idea of what kind of theme I want my film opening to represent. They are both brilliant shows and are apart of the same genre. I feel that in both, the comedic and dramatic elements blend in well together and end up producing a quality show. This is the type of style that I want to go with for my film opening. For now.

N. (n.d.). Master of None Recap: Amazing Bites. Retrieved March 02, 2018, from

Opam, K. (2017, January 12). FX's Atlanta won't return until 2018 because Donald Glover is busy being Lando Calrissian. Retrieved March 02, 2018, from

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