Friday, March 9, 2018

An Outline of What is to Come

I've officially entered the second week of this project and I might just have an idea of what I'm going to do. A couple of ideas have come up and I think that I've settled on a concept that I can work with. I'm thinking about working on a film opening about a someone who lives alone and is out to search for his family.
The outline for this opening would be:
  • Audience is introduced to the protagonist.
  • Protagonist explains the current situation he is living in.
  • Protagonist goes out to find his family.
I'm pretty sure that the protagonist will be someone who is generally quiet and goes on with his life just trying to sustain for himself. He probably wouldn't have many people in his life due to his living condition and he would not be in a good financial situation. I'm not sure where this will take place but I think it will most likely start off in the town where the protagonist will live, and I'm not sure where this is yet. The protagonist will definitely be in the 15-18 year old range and this whole story will take place a couple of years in the future. It would play out well if my protagonist was poor since according to Eurostat Computation, 63% of young people between 16-19 that are not living with their parents in Europe, are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

Young people - social inclusion. (n.d.). Retrieved March 09, 2018, from

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