Sunday, March 18, 2018

Prominent Shots

   I've put some thought into a couple different ways that I want to start my film opening. I've settled that I want the first shot to be of the protagonist drinking water from a water bottle. It will be close-up and then the camera will zoom out introducing the main character to the audience. I feel that this is good way of introducing a character and at the same time, foreshadowing his problem with water bottles.
   Another shot I want to get included in the film opening is an over the shoulder shot of water bottles waiting for Remian (protagonist name is still Remian) in his room. I feel that this would fit in well with the rest of the opening and it will contribute to the fact that Remian can no longer control the water. An over the shoulder shot would make it seem as if the water bottles were actual people themselves and that they are staring at Remian once he enters his room.
   According to Film Shortage, the first shot of a film opening is important. It is what contributes to a viewer deciding whether he or she will stay for the rest of what they are currently watching. It is important to set the mood early and get the audience interested from the beginning. I feel that my idea for the opening shot of the film opening will be able to grab the audience's attention and make them want to keep on watching.

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